Communal Morphing: How to Facilitate Community Based Leadership Development

93% of pastors state that they believe leadership development is critical to the effectiveness of their organization and its future. Yet, more than 77% of those pastors acknowledge that they are only doing an average to below average job at it. In other words, there is a huge gap in their stated belief and the action that follows. They aren’t alone in facing challenges of developing the next generation of spiritual influencers. And there are many obstacles to overcome, including how we find time to do this well, and what exactly do we do to execute more effectively.

One of my core passion areas is developing the next generation of spiritual influencers. Several years ago, one question I asked myself, “What if I could redesign the seminary education process?” It’s not that I was against what we envision seminary to be. It’s just that if we step back and think about how our modern day pastor gets trained, I don’t believe seminaries as a whole are the sole path. And then I took my question-asking one step further and asked, “What if I could redesign our paradigm for how we think emerging church leaders are developed most effectively? For more than eight years now, I’ve lived in the tension of those questions. I’ve wrestled with them, experimented, and collaborated with many others as we’ve fleshed out what this may all look like. And now, it’s not that there is one path, but I have discovered much of what works and much of what doesn’t.

These two questions and a series of other related ones drove me to synergize what I’ve learned along the way when it comes to developing leaders. That’s what motivated me to design this Communal Morphing experience for ministry leaders who want to learn how to more effectively develop the next generation. I filled it with ideas about what I’ve learned over the last eight years and want to pass it on to others.

Communal morphing is a term describing the transformational impact that community can have on leaders. Over the last ten years, I’ve facilitated creative peer-learning environments that have fostered significant growth among emerging leaders. These were designed with intention and facilitated well. It was an effective method of leadership development that helped leaders maximize their time and draw on the strengths of those around them. What emerged has been enhanced learning, and a process to help cultivate a leadership development culture in a ministry context. I’m convinced that this is reproducible, not to mention highly beneficial and even necessary if we want to develop the next generation of leaders.

In my ebook, Communal Morphing, you’ll discover three primary things: (1) innovative ideas to help church leaders foster community orientated leadership development, (2) creative solutions to help church leaders overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of doing leadership development effectively, and (3) it will serve as a guide for ministry leaders who desire to multiply their impact by harnessing the talents and the insights of those around them.

Communal Morphing is interactive, creative, and filled with leadership development ideas.